Ally (Nice White Person) thread embroidery on Moomin stuff toy 2018
"Dude, Where's My Phallus?" curated by Kate Benedict Bunker 2, Toronto
Ally (Nice White Person) thread embroidery on Moomin stuff toy 2018
"Dude, Where's My Phallus?" curated by Kate Benedict Bunker 2, Toronto
"UX For Cats", speculative design collaboration with spekwork 2018-present
App launch at "Amplification", Eastern Bloc Montreal
Zombie Solo JazzL 2018 THREE.js animated wallpaper commissioned by New Forms Festival
View first version on curated by Nicolas Sassoon
How to Respond when Someone Calls You a "Racist" 2017 Wikihow article started by me, patrolled and co-edited by many and eventually reviewed by LMSW.
"How to Respond when Someone Calls You a "Racist"", 2018 wiki page turned into pamphlet Egresswasm Vol. 3, organized by Chris Reeves Chase Public Cincinnati, OH.